Monday 4 June 2012

Type 2 Diabetes Diet - Some Foods to Eat and Stay Away From

Diets in general are very hard; going on a type 2 diabetes diet plan can be harder if you do not know what you need to do. The first step of course was to get the general idea from your doctor. Most of the time people are given a basic idea on how to get started on the new diet. Some get pamphlets and still have no clue on where to go next. It is a good idea to start researching.

After researching some ideas for your type 2 diabetes diet plan, then you will need to cross reference the information that you collected with your health care provider. This is to make sure that you do not do anything that will harm your body. It is crucial that you listen to your health care provider. After all, it is their business to keep you healthy.

Some Safe Diet Foods

Nonfat yogurt is great for anyone on a diet, but even better for those who are on a type 2 diabetes diet plan. The fat free yogurt naturally contains high quality protein and carbohydrates. It is a great food to slow or prevent unhealthy blood sugar highs. It is also is high in calcium which reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes.
Another good food for a type 2 diabetes diet plan is to eat unsalted almonds. They are healthy due to being a low carbohydrate food. They have magnesium and is believed to be instrumental in the carbohydrate metabolism. Harvard found that a high magnesium intake reduced the risk of being diagnosed with diabetes.

A great food to eat is broccoli. Broccoli helps balance blood sugar and is great for those who are on a type 2 diabetes diet plan. It is high in vitamins, minerals, and fiber. It is also low calories and is a great food for diabetics and those who want to eat healthier. Other no starch vegetables that do the same are; spinach, mushrooms, and peppers.

Some people do not like salmon, however, while on a diet of any kind but even better if you are on a type 2 diabetes diet plan. It is a great food to eat when you are not only watching your weight, but also the health of your heart. Wild salmon can be cooked in different ways and will help with your diet. You will find a recipe that suites your tastes buds and help you stick to your diet. Salmon and sardines are rich in omega 3. They also slow down the absorption of carbohydrates, this keeps blood sugar levels more balanced.

Foods that Raise Blood Sugar Quickly

A food that is really healthy to eat but raise sugars quickly is certain types of nuts. Shockingly enough, you should be carefully while on any type 2 diabetes diet plans. Those nuts include; peanuts, pecans, and walnuts. If these are a part of your regular diet, then you will need to eat these in moderation and check you blood sugar number consistently. Another few foods to keep a look out for are; avocados, sweet potatoes, and garlic. Yes, garlic. 

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