Wednesday 8 August 2012

Following Type 2 Diabetes Diet Restrictions

In order to keep your diabetic body in good state, you need to follow some type 2 diabetes diet restrictions. Diabetes is a condition of the body and not a disease. Therefore continued medication will not be of help. One has to take some other measures to stay fit. The most important step in this regard is having a planned diet with some restrictions.

Why Do You Need Type 2 Diabetes Diet Restrictions?

What happens when you have diabetes is that your body produces a lesser amount of insulin than what is required. This in turn causes the sugar level in the blood to rise. The first concern should therefore be to control the consumption of food, the kind of food being consumed. This will ensure that the blood sugar level remains normal. This is also useful in producing insulin. In due time, by applying type 2 diabetes diet restrictions and exercising regularly, you can control diabetes and prevent yourself from having any of it’s dangerous effects.

How do Type 2 Diabetes Diet Restrictions Work?

It is the most commonly heard issue that those with diabetes should not have sugar. Diet plans for diabetics have also stood proof to this. It has been a practice for a long time. This is however, a misconception and a very bad practice. The body needs a certain dose of carbohydrates and fats to function properly. Not receiving this does may lead to fatal consequences, more so in case of diabetics. Sometimes such diabetic patients have to go to coronary wards. Recent researches have shown that even diabetics need a certain measure of carbohydrates in their daily diet. Accordingly, a diet plan and carbohydrates with a GI index have been made. Type 2 Diabetes diet restrictions include this essential.

The GI index in a diabetic diet plan deals with the kind of carbohydrate that is being taken by the body. There are different kinds of carbohydrates, some of which are very quickly broken down by the body. It is these which increase the sugar level in the blood and thereby make acute the diabetic condition. As mentioned above, these are a few of the many kinds of carbohydrates. There are some which are not harmful. In fact, they are good for the body. They do not break up immediately and cannot be easily absorbed by the body. They need a lot of time to be broken down and absorbed in the body and hence are better. These are usually included in the diet plan and not excluded by type 2 diabetes diet restrictions.

A lot of foods have a lower GI index. These are thus included in a diabetic’s diet and they in turn help the body to stay fit. Yoghurt and condensed milk are a few among such foods.  Fruits and vegetables are also extremely important in a diabetic’s diet. Since some fruits have a high level of sugar in them, they are either excluded by diabetes diet restrictions or allowed in little quantities. Nutritionists recommend some fruits like apples, oranges and pears. Vegetables which are allowed include sweet potato and sweet corn. Type 2 Diabetes diet restrictions also include whole grain breads, linseed and fruit loafs. 

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