Wednesday 29 August 2012

Type 2 Diabetic Diet Plan

Diet plans help people to keep their diets in check- thus, for someone suffering from diabetes, a type 2 diabetic diet plan becomes all the more crucial. Patients need to keep their sugar levels in control. The means by which the rise in the sugar level is understood is known as the glycemic index rating. Now, there are certain foods, on eating which the blood sugar level takes a sudden, massive leap. These include most processed foods, white rice, white potato etc. Therefore, consumption of such items needs to be checked and planned properly.  

This is where the concept of a ‘balance’ diet becomes very important. If a diabetic had white rice for a meal, it needs to be balanced with other items on the menu such as meat which is a source of protein or vegetables which contain complex carbohydrates. A diabetic therefore, should have a good idea about a type 2 diabetic diet plans, glycemic index list and glycemic load. While the glycemic index list is a list of what you consume, the glycemic load helps in measuring the quantity.

Making a Type 2 Diabetic Diet Plan

Diabetes can be kept in control if one follows a proper diet and exercises regularly. Planning the menu properly will include making a plan for days individually, weeks or even a month. One will have to follow this strictly and the commonest difficulty in doing this is a lack of choices. A good diet plan offers you a lot of options. The same holds true for a type 2 diabetic diet plan. A type 2 diabetic diet plan may be considered good if it provides you with snack options and recipes too.

There are different kinds of type 2 diabetic diet plans, one of the most popular of which is the Mediterranean food pyramid. The main reason behind it’s popularity is it’s strong inclusion of high glycemic index carbs. The bottommost layer of the pyramid includes those foods and activities meant for daily usage. As the pyramid tapers towards it’s top, it lists the foods which are to be had in lesser amounts, moving from weekly, to monthly.

The Goals of Type 2 Diabetic Diet Plan

 Like all diet plans, type 2 diabetic diet plans aim to provide a guideline to it’s followers to help them follow a diet which is most suited for their needs. An average person consumes about 2000 calories per day which should have an ideal break up of:

·        100 grams of protein (at 4Cal/gram)
·        275 grams of carbohydrates (at 4 Cal/gram)
·        56 grams of fat (at 9 Cal/gram)

A type 2 diabetic diet plan suggests it’s users to have the following amount of each every day:

·        Carbohydrates (45%-65%)
·         Proteins (10%-35%)
·         Unsaturated fats (20%-35%)

As surprising as it may be, fat is actually needed for the body and must be consumed in moderate amounts on a regular basis. Fishes and plants are the healthiest source of fats, since they have only monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, whereas, bird meat such as turkey, chicken, pigs, cow meat contain a lot of saturated fat which is bad for health. A type 2 diabetic diet plan also helps people to keep their calorie intake level under check. Keep in mind that a healthy diet not only means that you are one step ahead in having a healthy body; it also ensures a healthy mind. 

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