Wednesday 1 August 2012

Making Type 2 Diabetes Diet Choices

Type 2 Diabetes diet choices are like the keys a diabetic chooses for his future life. The primary concern of a person suffering from diabetes is to keep his blood sugar level under control. The type 2 diabetes diet plan is incomparable when it comes to helping people to bring their high blood sugar levels to normalcy. There are different types of diabetes of which, diabetes mellitus type 2 which was earlier known as non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) is one such. It is characterized by a high level of blood sugar which is caused by insulin insensitivity or a low insulin production in the body. Though medication might be needed in extreme cases, the right kind of type 2 diabetes diet choices and exercise takes you a long way.

Features of Type 2 Diabetes Diet Choices

Typical features of type 2 diabetes diet choices are their focus on the balance and maintenance of food categories. While it is important to have a restricted diet, it is also important to ensure a wholesome, nutritious diet which will fulfil all the needs of the body. This means, nothing should be cut off completely. Here are a few points to be kept in mind:
·        Carbohydrates, when digested, become glucose. Glucose is a kind of sugar which is responsible for providing energy to all the cells in the body. Thus carbohydrates have a direct impact on the blood. It becomes very important to check the kind of carbohydrate consumed.
The two kinds of carbohydrates are simple and complex. Simple carbohydrates are found in refined sugar and fruits. In fruits these are found in the form of glucose, sucrose, lactose and fructose. Complex carbohydrates are starches. Whole grains, nuts, vegetables and beans are sources of complex carbohydrates. By virtue of being digested slowly, complex carbohydrates are the healthier choices.
·        Fibrous foods are not only helpful in digestion they are also a good source of vitamins and minerals. By delaying absorption of sugar, they help in controlling glucose levels. It also helps in weight loss. Fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, brown rice, legumes are all good sources of fibre.
·        Since diabetics have an added risk of developing heart diseases, it is vital to control the intake of fat. Type 2 diabetes diet choices do not include stuff like processed cheese, beef and other fatty foods.

Benefits of Type 2 Diabetes Diet Choices

Diabetes is not like any other disease. It is more of a condition of the body. Thus medication cannot provide a permanent solution. If you really want to live a healthy life, you have to choose a healthy lifestyle. This will essentially mean, exercising regularly and making accurate type 2 diabetes diet choices. In order to this, you should first gather enough knowledge about your condition by going to a specialist who will explain everything to you after conducting a few tests. Then he will guide you with you type 2 diabetes diet choices. Further, you can know more from the numerous websites, e books and usual books available. It is empowering to know and to feel that you are making the right choices for a better life ahead. 

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