Wednesday 30 May 2012

Type 2 Diabetes Diet - Be Aware of Foods to Eat and Avoid

When you find out that you have type 2 diabetes, then you will need to talk with your doctor in order to for your own type 2 diabetes diet plans. This plan will help you obtain a healthy state and stay there. It is crucial that you listen to your doctor as well as do your research.

When you do your research for your type 2 diabetes diet you will need to discuss the findings with your doctor. He or She may not want you to do or eat a certain thing. Some food products may mess up the balance of your blood sugar.

Foods that will help with Your Blood Sugar…

Here is some food that will lift your blood sugar if you are on the low side. It is important that through out every thing that you check your blood sugar number with a blood sugar monitor. It is important to do so whether or not you are on a type 2 diabetes diet.

The first on the high list are beans. Beans will raise your sugar very genteelly and slowly. The beans that are the best for this are; black beans, white beans, white beans, navy beans, lima beans, pinto beans, garbanzo, soy, and even kidney beans. These beans are good for fiber, carbohydrates, and lean protein. All of which are needed for a balanced type 2 diabetes diet.

Another great food that you should eat while on a type 2 diabetes diet is oatmeal. This is a great source of soluble fiber. Is slows the absorption of glucose from food. It keeps blood sugar levels under control. In order to help do this, it is suggested to use cinnamon on top of the oatmeal.

Fish is another way to help with your type 2 diabetes diet. Fish is extremely healthy for everyone, especially those that were diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. Some fish that is good for your diet are; catfish, cod, or tilapia. These are usually easy to come by in the grocery stores.

Foods to Stay Away from with Type 2 Diabetes…

Those who are on a type 2 diabetes diet need to watch out for their sweet tooth. Those who have diabetes need to make sure to take extra care to stay away from sugary foods. This includes; cookies, cakes, sodas, candies, and anything to that effect. Instead of munching on the bad things, you should eat; apples, berries, pears, or even oranges. 

Many people think that dried fruit is good for you, unfortunately for them, they are wrong. When you are on a type 2 diabetes diet, it is to your benefit to stay away from dried fruits. It will sky rocket your blood sugar which is definitely not a good thing. Stay with fresh fruits instead of these dehydrated treats.

No one wants to hear it, but alcohol is on this list. While you are on a type 2 diabetes diet, it is important that you make sure that you drink alcohol in moderation. For a woman, only one per day is permitted, if you are male then you are allowed two. 

Tuesday 29 May 2012

Type 2 Diabetes Diet and Carbohydrates

When you have type II diabetes, then you know that you will have to take a type 2 diabetes diet. You will have to pay close attention to your diet. Your diet plays a key role in your health. It is always important to talk to a doctor before you change your diet. He will know better of what your body needs to get and / or stay healthy.

Carbohydrates are important to diabetics to pay close attention to. Some people may have to eat more, and others less. Talk to your doctor to be able to find the most accurate amount that you will need for your type 2 diabetes diet. Carbohydrates have an immediate effect on your body’s blood sugar. They are broken down into sugar during the early stages of digestion. It is often recommended to eat some protein and fat along with the carbohydrates. Plan your meals accordingly.

You may be wondering where carbohydrates can be found. Well, to help you plan your type 2 diabetes diet, here is a list of some carbohydrate sources along with specific examples. The first is fruit. Fruit is a great source for carbohydrates. The highest content are; tangerines, cherries, grapes, pomegranates, mangos, and bananas.

Type 2 Diabetes Diet and Dairy Food

The second grouping of carbohydrates filled foods is; milk and yogurt. This is a great snack or breakfast for anyone, and it is especially good when you are on a type 2 diabetes diet. The average cup of yogurt has approximately seven to eight grams of carbohydrates. The carbohydrate count in milk is; whole milk 11.4 in an 8 ounce glass, two percent milk has 11.7 in an eight ounce glass. People are surprised at this number; however, it is true and needs to be watched.

Type 2 Diabetes Diet and Grains

The next group to pay attention to is the grain group. This includes; bread, cereal, rice, and pasta. These have a very high carbohydrate count and need to be watched while on a type 2 diabetes diet. A couple examples of carbohydrate amounts for different types of bread are as follows; for one slice of medium sized Italian bread is 10 grams, one slice of rye bread has about 15.46 grams, and 1 ounce of wheat bread is 13.36 grams, and one slice of commercial white bread is 7.49 grams of carbohydrates. Cereal, rice, and pasta vary too much to list but is listed on each individual container of the product.

The next group is starchy vegetables. There are only a few every day items on the list, but when planning a type 2 diabetes diet, you can switch it up some for flavor and fun. The few items that are a typical every day family meal items are; white potatoes, beans, carrots, corn, and green peas. The rest of the list includes (but are not typical for family meals); beets, parsnips, plantain, pumpkin, sweet potatoes, taro, any type of squash, and yams.

Keep in mind that all foods listed differ in the quantity of carbohydrates. Packages tell the consumer how many carbohydrates are in one serving of the product. If it does not come in a package, for example a melon, then ask your doctor. You will need to talk to your doctor regardless due to planning your type 2 diabetes diet. Your doctor is knowledgeable and there to help you stay healthy. 

Monday 28 May 2012

Type 2 Diabetes Diet Restrictions

If you are a diabetic patient, you have to be extra careful with what you eat. You should take care of type 2 diabetes diet restrictions when deciding what to eat. It’s mainly because your diet plays very important role in controlling and maintaining your blood sugar level. There are specific types of foods that you should consume in right proportion to keep your blood glucose level stabilized. Following are some type 2 diabetes diet restrictions that you should bear in mind when selecting appropriate food for you.

Avoid All Types of Sugar

The first type 2 diabetes diet restriction is sugar. You should avoid consuming sugar. There is a wide variety of sugar such as powdered sugar, table sugar, brown sugar, honey and other products that are made of and with sugar. You should strictly avoid consuming sugar because it can raise your blood sugar level to a dangerous limit. It is advised to get recommendations from your doctor to find out if you have to completely avoid sugar or you can consume it in lower amount.

Avoid Excess Amount of Starches

It is a true fact that starches can be included in type 2 diabetes diet but it can raise red flag for the patient if it is consumed in high amounts. The type of starch that should be avoided in all cases includes fried and high-fat starches such as potato chips, regular tortilla, pastries, French fries, biscuits. In order to consume starches that are healthy for type 2 diabetes, you can consume whole grain breads and cereals.

Avoid Consuming Desserts and Sweeteners

Another restriction that you should bear in mind when you are devising a type 2 diabetes diet plan for you is desserts and sweeteners. Desserts and sweeteners will increase your blood sugar levels. A common sweetener that is most widely used in diet soda is Aspartame. However, there is a sweetener called Stevia that doesn’t have negative impact on the blood sugar level and you can consume it with caution.

Avoid Alcohol and Other Controlled Substances

Any type of light and strong alcohol in addition to other controlled should not be the part of your type 2 diabetes diet plan. Indulging in alcohol can disturb the balance of your blood sugar level. In addition, alcohol hinders the ability of your body to produce glucose and thereby, it has a negative impact on your blood glucose levels. It is strongly advised to all type 2 diabetes patients to strictly avoid consuming alcohol on empty stomach because it can drop your blood glucose to an alarming level.

Avoid Consuming Fried and Processed Foods

Fried and processed food spike your cholesterol levels and when it combines with type 2 diabetes, it can trigger serious health complications. Fried and processed food contain high amount of calories that can cause heart diseases.
On the whole, by using a healthy diet plan and by avoiding above mentioned foods, you can prevent yourself from the life-threatening consequences of type 2 diabetes. 
Image at Flickr

Monday 21 May 2012

Type 2 Diabetes Diet Plan - These Five Foods Should Be Part of it

The only effective way to control type 2 diabetes is the use of a healthy and balanced type 2 diabetes diet plan. There are many foods that you must include your diet in order to ensure type 2 diabetes prevention and control. However, here we are going to discuss 5 most important foods that you shouldn’t miss in your diet.

1: Fish for Lean Protein

A healthy type 2 diabetes diet plan is incomplete without fish that is a good source of lean protein. There are a number of fishes that you can consume such as cod, catfish, and tilapia etc. You can consume fish in combination with other foods such as lentils, vegetables or beans in order to keep your blood sugar level from rising.

2: Beans for High Quality Carbohydrates

High quality or complex carbohydrates are ideal for type 2 diabetes patients. These types of carbohydrates that raise blood sugar levels at slow pace, thus helps the patient to stay healthy. The rich source of high-quality carbohydrates is beans that should be the main part of your type 2 diabetes diet. There is a wide variety of beans such as black, white, lima, navy, garbanzo, kidney pinto and soy beans. You can consume any type of beans with lean protein to maintain proper health.

3: Avacado for Monosaturated Fats

Another good food that should be included in an ideal type 2 diabetes diet is avocado. It is a rich source of monosaturated fats that are included among the healthiest fats. Monosaturated fats enhance insulin sensitivity and heart health. These fats are very beneficial for diabetic patients. You can consume few thin slices of avocado in your diet to avoid dangerous fluctuations in your blood sugar level.

4: Consume Wild Salmon for Omega-3s

A number of health conditions are related to diabetes such as heart diseases. All diabetic patients are at the higher risks of cardiovascular diseases. Doctors recommend such types of patients to consume Omega-3s rich foods. The best source of Omega-3s is wild salmon that you should add into your type 2 diabetes diet to avoid heart diseases. This fish also contains a healthy fat and protein combination that slows down the absorption of carbohydrates in the body and stabilizes the blood sugar level. You should consume wild salmon to supply Omega-3s to your body.

5: Oatmeal for Fiber

It is clear from a number of studies that a diet that contains a good proportion of fiber and whole grains reduces the risk of diabetes. One of the best sources of whole grains and fiber is oatmeal. It contains soluble fiber that slows down the glucose absorption from food in stomach and maintains blood glucose levels. You can consume oatmeal with the combination of a variety of foods such as nuts.
In addition to these 5 foods, there are many other foods that you should consume everyday to keep your blood glucose levels stabilized and to avoid those serious health risks and conditions that are related to higher blood sugar levels. 

Image at Flickr

Monday 14 May 2012

What is the Ideal Type 2 Diabetes Diet?

If you are dealing with type 2 diabetes, you should make sure that you are following a healthy type 2 diabetes diet. A proper diet can make a big difference to the life of the person who is struggling to control their blood sugar level. The wise way to devise a healthy diet in order to control your blood sugar level is to contact a dietician. Following are some important things that you must include in your type 2 diabetes diet.

Add the Right Proportion of Carbohydrates in Your Diet

When you are devising your diet plan to keep the blood glucose level in control you should make sure to include the right proportion of carbohydrates in your diet. They supply fuel to your body in the form of glucose that is the primary source of energy for all cells in the body. Carbohydrates are of two types i.e., simple and complex. Complex carbohydrates are healthier than simple carbohydrates. It’s because complex carbohydrates are gradually digested by the body, thus providing your body a steady source of energy. In order to consume these types of carbohydrates, the food groups that you should add into your type 2 diabetes diet include fruit, bread, cereal, pasta, rice, dairy products such as milk, and starchy vegetables such as potatoes etc. 

Add Fiber into Your Diet

Another important thing that you should add into your type 2 diabetes diet plan is fiber. Fiber plays very important role in digestion. It makes the digestion process easier by pushing the food along the digestive tract. Another great benefit of fiber is that it delays the absorption of sugar, thus helps in controlling blood sugar levels. In order to consume fiber, the food groups that should be the part of your type 2 diabetes diet include fresh fruits, vegetables, peas and cooked dried beans, cereals, whole grain breads, crackers, bran products and brown ice.

Add Fat in Your Type 2 Diabetes Diet

Diabetes could end up on heart diseases due to which it is important for diabetic patients to consume low fat foods. It is strongly recommended to diabetic patients to avoid eating saturated fats that are found in cheese, milk, beef and baked items. The food groups that are lower in fats and that you should add into your type 2 diabetes diet plan in order to consume include lean meat such as lean red meats and fish, low-fat dairy products, low-fat vegetable cooking spray during food preparation, land ower-fat margarines.

In conclusion, if you are dealing with type 2 diabetes, you should carefully design a healthy type 2 diabetes diet plan that should contain all above mention nutrients. Your main goal should be keeping your blood glucose level in control. However, the wise practice is always to consult your physician or a dietician to get recommendations for the type of food that you should consume in order to keep your blood glucose level in control and to avoid those health risks that are associated with this type of diabetes. 

Image at Flickr