Monday 28 May 2012

Type 2 Diabetes Diet Restrictions

If you are a diabetic patient, you have to be extra careful with what you eat. You should take care of type 2 diabetes diet restrictions when deciding what to eat. It’s mainly because your diet plays very important role in controlling and maintaining your blood sugar level. There are specific types of foods that you should consume in right proportion to keep your blood glucose level stabilized. Following are some type 2 diabetes diet restrictions that you should bear in mind when selecting appropriate food for you.

Avoid All Types of Sugar

The first type 2 diabetes diet restriction is sugar. You should avoid consuming sugar. There is a wide variety of sugar such as powdered sugar, table sugar, brown sugar, honey and other products that are made of and with sugar. You should strictly avoid consuming sugar because it can raise your blood sugar level to a dangerous limit. It is advised to get recommendations from your doctor to find out if you have to completely avoid sugar or you can consume it in lower amount.

Avoid Excess Amount of Starches

It is a true fact that starches can be included in type 2 diabetes diet but it can raise red flag for the patient if it is consumed in high amounts. The type of starch that should be avoided in all cases includes fried and high-fat starches such as potato chips, regular tortilla, pastries, French fries, biscuits. In order to consume starches that are healthy for type 2 diabetes, you can consume whole grain breads and cereals.

Avoid Consuming Desserts and Sweeteners

Another restriction that you should bear in mind when you are devising a type 2 diabetes diet plan for you is desserts and sweeteners. Desserts and sweeteners will increase your blood sugar levels. A common sweetener that is most widely used in diet soda is Aspartame. However, there is a sweetener called Stevia that doesn’t have negative impact on the blood sugar level and you can consume it with caution.

Avoid Alcohol and Other Controlled Substances

Any type of light and strong alcohol in addition to other controlled should not be the part of your type 2 diabetes diet plan. Indulging in alcohol can disturb the balance of your blood sugar level. In addition, alcohol hinders the ability of your body to produce glucose and thereby, it has a negative impact on your blood glucose levels. It is strongly advised to all type 2 diabetes patients to strictly avoid consuming alcohol on empty stomach because it can drop your blood glucose to an alarming level.

Avoid Consuming Fried and Processed Foods

Fried and processed food spike your cholesterol levels and when it combines with type 2 diabetes, it can trigger serious health complications. Fried and processed food contain high amount of calories that can cause heart diseases.
On the whole, by using a healthy diet plan and by avoiding above mentioned foods, you can prevent yourself from the life-threatening consequences of type 2 diabetes. 
Image at Flickr

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