Wednesday 30 May 2012

Type 2 Diabetes Diet - Be Aware of Foods to Eat and Avoid

When you find out that you have type 2 diabetes, then you will need to talk with your doctor in order to for your own type 2 diabetes diet plans. This plan will help you obtain a healthy state and stay there. It is crucial that you listen to your doctor as well as do your research.

When you do your research for your type 2 diabetes diet you will need to discuss the findings with your doctor. He or She may not want you to do or eat a certain thing. Some food products may mess up the balance of your blood sugar.

Foods that will help with Your Blood Sugar…

Here is some food that will lift your blood sugar if you are on the low side. It is important that through out every thing that you check your blood sugar number with a blood sugar monitor. It is important to do so whether or not you are on a type 2 diabetes diet.

The first on the high list are beans. Beans will raise your sugar very genteelly and slowly. The beans that are the best for this are; black beans, white beans, white beans, navy beans, lima beans, pinto beans, garbanzo, soy, and even kidney beans. These beans are good for fiber, carbohydrates, and lean protein. All of which are needed for a balanced type 2 diabetes diet.

Another great food that you should eat while on a type 2 diabetes diet is oatmeal. This is a great source of soluble fiber. Is slows the absorption of glucose from food. It keeps blood sugar levels under control. In order to help do this, it is suggested to use cinnamon on top of the oatmeal.

Fish is another way to help with your type 2 diabetes diet. Fish is extremely healthy for everyone, especially those that were diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. Some fish that is good for your diet are; catfish, cod, or tilapia. These are usually easy to come by in the grocery stores.

Foods to Stay Away from with Type 2 Diabetes…

Those who are on a type 2 diabetes diet need to watch out for their sweet tooth. Those who have diabetes need to make sure to take extra care to stay away from sugary foods. This includes; cookies, cakes, sodas, candies, and anything to that effect. Instead of munching on the bad things, you should eat; apples, berries, pears, or even oranges. 

Many people think that dried fruit is good for you, unfortunately for them, they are wrong. When you are on a type 2 diabetes diet, it is to your benefit to stay away from dried fruits. It will sky rocket your blood sugar which is definitely not a good thing. Stay with fresh fruits instead of these dehydrated treats.

No one wants to hear it, but alcohol is on this list. While you are on a type 2 diabetes diet, it is important that you make sure that you drink alcohol in moderation. For a woman, only one per day is permitted, if you are male then you are allowed two. 

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