Tuesday 29 May 2012

Type 2 Diabetes Diet and Carbohydrates

When you have type II diabetes, then you know that you will have to take a type 2 diabetes diet. You will have to pay close attention to your diet. Your diet plays a key role in your health. It is always important to talk to a doctor before you change your diet. He will know better of what your body needs to get and / or stay healthy.

Carbohydrates are important to diabetics to pay close attention to. Some people may have to eat more, and others less. Talk to your doctor to be able to find the most accurate amount that you will need for your type 2 diabetes diet. Carbohydrates have an immediate effect on your body’s blood sugar. They are broken down into sugar during the early stages of digestion. It is often recommended to eat some protein and fat along with the carbohydrates. Plan your meals accordingly.

You may be wondering where carbohydrates can be found. Well, to help you plan your type 2 diabetes diet, here is a list of some carbohydrate sources along with specific examples. The first is fruit. Fruit is a great source for carbohydrates. The highest content are; tangerines, cherries, grapes, pomegranates, mangos, and bananas.

Type 2 Diabetes Diet and Dairy Food

The second grouping of carbohydrates filled foods is; milk and yogurt. This is a great snack or breakfast for anyone, and it is especially good when you are on a type 2 diabetes diet. The average cup of yogurt has approximately seven to eight grams of carbohydrates. The carbohydrate count in milk is; whole milk 11.4 in an 8 ounce glass, two percent milk has 11.7 in an eight ounce glass. People are surprised at this number; however, it is true and needs to be watched.

Type 2 Diabetes Diet and Grains

The next group to pay attention to is the grain group. This includes; bread, cereal, rice, and pasta. These have a very high carbohydrate count and need to be watched while on a type 2 diabetes diet. A couple examples of carbohydrate amounts for different types of bread are as follows; for one slice of medium sized Italian bread is 10 grams, one slice of rye bread has about 15.46 grams, and 1 ounce of wheat bread is 13.36 grams, and one slice of commercial white bread is 7.49 grams of carbohydrates. Cereal, rice, and pasta vary too much to list but is listed on each individual container of the product.

The next group is starchy vegetables. There are only a few every day items on the list, but when planning a type 2 diabetes diet, you can switch it up some for flavor and fun. The few items that are a typical every day family meal items are; white potatoes, beans, carrots, corn, and green peas. The rest of the list includes (but are not typical for family meals); beets, parsnips, plantain, pumpkin, sweet potatoes, taro, any type of squash, and yams.

Keep in mind that all foods listed differ in the quantity of carbohydrates. Packages tell the consumer how many carbohydrates are in one serving of the product. If it does not come in a package, for example a melon, then ask your doctor. You will need to talk to your doctor regardless due to planning your type 2 diabetes diet. Your doctor is knowledgeable and there to help you stay healthy. 

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